
View the surname index for: 1821, 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911, 1921

List all the parishes with the surname: Search TipSearching:
You can use the wildcards (?*) to find the spelling variations.
The ? represents any single character, the * represents any number of characters.
Eg. To find all Grey/Gray type Gr?y. To find all Loutit/Louttit/Loutitt use Lou*tit*

Search census year for the individual:
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Please send any research requests to the Research Secretary.

All the Orkney parishes have been transcribed and each census is available as an A4 booklet containing:

  • The descriptions of the enumeration districts.
  • A surname index giving a list of property references where all the "surnames" are.
  • The transcript of the census.
The Census was taken on the following dates:
1841 : 6 June 1841
1851 : 30 March 1851
1861 : 7 April 1861
1871 : 2 April 1871
1881 : 3 April 1881
1891 : 5 April 1891
1901 : 31 March 1901
1911 : 2 April 1911
1921 : 19 June 1921

website by dh